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Back online2020-12-14 21:28:37
The website is back online!
0 comment(s) (Add your own) stays online!2014-10-03 07:57:00
The website has been moved to a new host and the domain is renewed for another year.

If anyone is interested in becoming an editor, please contact me.
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Update2012-07-26 10:39:14
The following bugs have been fixed today:

- Drops couldn't be added if the monster didnt have any other drops
- Some dungeons were missing maps
- New emails have been sent to member who didnt activate yet, with the correct link
- Equipment can now be removed from sets
- DPS with WWT (and 107) sorts correctly now, it also sorts in descending order first now.

If you find any other bugs, please email me (, or fill out the support form on this website.

The following updates have been released:
- Public characters have been made easier to navigate.
- The number of equipment sets for each character has been added to the list. A set needs at least 1 item set to count.
- It is now possible to click inside a marked area in a spawn map

More updates will follow soon.
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Spawn maps!2012-07-25 13:40:38
Our latest update gave the ability to add spawn locations to maps. You have to be registered and logged in to do this.

Simply go to the map you want to add a spawn to (either an outside map or a dungeon map), Click on Add monster spawn to make the form show, then start typing the name of the monster you'd like to add and select it from the dropdown. Then click the "Start drawing!" button.

Drawing goes like this:

Every click on the map will add a corner at the point you clicked on. The last corner will be automatically connected to the first corner. You might have to try have a few times to get used to it.

Click the reset button to start fresh. When you are happy with the result, click the "Add spawn!" button. Your drawing will be submitted for approval by our moderators. You can monitor the status of your drawings from the link under contribute.

Have fun!
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Support2012-07-19 14:11:08
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to fill out the form on the "Support" page.
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Recent updates2012-07-19 13:51:00
There have been a few updates this week. I will explain what they are now:

User management

Every registered member has gotten an email with a link to reset your password. Click this and set a new password or your old again. This is required because of a rework of the user management system which changed the way password are encrypted. The new system is just as secure as the old.

Public managed drop list

Every logged in user can now add drops to any monster in the bestiary. To do this, find the monster you know a drop for, go to the details page and type the name of the item in the field. While you type, a list shows up, select the item you want to add and click submit.

The drop will have to be approved by a moderator before it is added.

Custom armor set selection

In addition to the armor selector to help you choose the right armor set for your situtation, we have launched a way to custom select a complete set. This is done by simply creating your character on the "My Characters" page and creating different sets of equipment for every situation you expect to confront.

Select the armor pieces you think are best, and the stats and resistances in the set will be displayed. You can let others view the sets you picked by making your character and the sets public. They will then show up in the "Public Characters" list

You have to be logged in to make characters and armor sets.
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Created by Daeron Spearwood