Amulets & Necklaces list

Total 160 results.
NameProtectionRequirementsStats Resistances
Woven Sand Wurm GlandsWoven Sand Wurm Glands30LVL 100+ STR + 8 DEX + 8 INT + 8 CON + 8 15% Poison
Wharfmaster's SealWharfmaster's Seal12LVL 105+ STR + 10 DEX + 10 INT + 10 CON + 10 HP + 75 6% Arrow 6% Soul 6% Poison
Warg Tail NecklaceWarg Tail Necklace4LVL 26+ 1% Soul 1% Disease
Warg Eye AmuletWarg Eye Amulet7LVL 20+ DEX + 1 CON + 1 1% Pierce
Walker's PendantWalker's Pendant12LVL 21+ STR + 3 DEX + 3 INT + 3 CON + 3 3% Arrow 5% Nature 7% Poison
Unholy AmuletUnholy Amulet15LVL 60+ 3% Nature 3% Soul 3% Mind 3% Body 3% Poison 3% Disease
Tyrian's AmuletTyrian's Amulet20LVL 108+ DEX 100+ INT 100+ DEX + 20 INT + 10 8% Pierce 8% Cut 10% Arrow 5% Nature 5% Soul 5% Body
Twisted AmuletTwisted Amulet12LVL 50+ STR + 5 INT + 5 3% Arrow 6% Magic Missile 6% Nature
Torc of the WraithTorc of the Wraith 
Torc of the OgreTorc of the Ogre 
Torc of the GolemTorc of the Golem 
Torc of the EttinTorc of the Ettin23LVL 45+ STR 30+ CON 6+ STR + 8 CON + 2 HP + 25 3% Blunt 2% Pierce 3% Cut 2% Magic Missile
Torc of the Dire WolfTorc of the Dire Wolf 
Torc of the BattlemageTorc of the Battlemage22LVL 50+ STR 20+ INT 20+ STR + 5 INT + 5 HP + 25 3% Blunt 3% Pierce 3% Cut 3% Magic Missile
Torc of the ArtsTorc of the Arts 
Torc of the ArchmageTorc of the Archmage12LVL 40+ INT 80+ INT + 5 2% Soul 2% Mind
Torc of the ArcherTorc of the Archer 
Tiger Claw NecklaceTiger Claw Necklace14LVL 60+ DEX + 16 HP + 35 7% Cut 8% Body
Tears of BanitiTears of Baniti15INT + 8 CON + 6 4% Blunt 4% Cut 4% Mind 5% Poison
Talisman of the PrimeTalisman of the Prime35LVL 85+ STR 20+ DEX 20+ INT 20+ CON 20+ STR + 6 DEX + 6 INT + 6 CON + 6 HP + 75 6% Pierce 6% Cut 6% Nature 6% Body
Talisman of the MagiTalisman of the Magi28LVL 80+ INT 60+ CON 25+ INT + 12 CON + 8 HP + 30 5% Nature 5% Soul 5% Mind 5% Body
Talisman of Pure SwiftnessTalisman of Pure Swiftness32LVL 80+ DEX 80+ DEX + 20 HP + 50 4% Blunt 4% Pierce 4% Cut 5% Arrow 5% Magic Missile
Talisman of Pure HealthTalisman of Pure Health30LVL 80+ CON 80+ CON + 20 HP + 70 4% Blunt 4% Pierce 4% Cut 5% Poison 5% Disease
Talisman of Pure ForceTalisman of Pure Force32LVL 80+ STR 80+ STR + 20 HP + 50 5% Blunt 6% Pierce 5% Cut 6% Arrow
Talisman of Pure BrillianceTalisman of Pure Brilliance30LVL 80+ INT 80+ INT + 20 HP + 50 5% Nature 5% Soul 5% Mind 5% Body
Strange Glowing GemStrange Glowing Gem20STR + 4 DEX + 4 INT + 4 CON + 4 3% Cut 5% Nature 4% Mind
Squid Eyes NecklaceSquid Eyes Necklace11LVL 102+ STR 9+ DEX 9+ INT 9+ CON 9+ 6% Soul 6% Mind 6% Body
Soothsayer's AmuletSoothsayer's Amulet14LVL 105+ DEX 100+ INT 100+ DEX + 5 INT + 8 5% Cut 7% Soul 7% Body
Silver Torc of ArmsSilver Torc of Arms8LVL 20+ STR 6+ STR + 2 1% Blunt 1% Pierce 1% Cut
Silver NecklaceSilver Necklace31% Poison 1% Disease
Silver Gem Laden ChokerSilver Gem Laden Choker7LVL 26+ STR + 1 DEX + 2 HP + 15
Silver AmuletSilver Amulet51% Poison 1% Disease
Silencer's NecklaceSilencer's Necklace11LVL 40+ STR + 6 DEX + 6 INT + 6 CON + 6 3% Cut 3% Nature 3% Mind
Shadowed Charm of PowerShadowed Charm of Power 
Shadowed Charm of MightShadowed Charm of Might26LVL 65+ STR 50+ STR + 12 HP + 45 4% Blunt 4% Pierce 4% Cut 4% Nature
Shadowed Charm of FleetnessShadowed Charm of Fleetness27LVL 65+ DEX 50+ DEX + 12 HP + 45 3% Blunt 4% Pierce 3% Cut 3% Arrow 3% Magic Missile
Shadowed Charm of EnduranceShadowed Charm of Endurance 
Shadowed Charm of ArcanaShadowed Charm of Arcana24LVL 65+ INT 50+ INT + 12 HP + 45 4% Nature 4% Soul 4% Mind 4% Body
Shadowed Barrier AmuletShadowed Barrier Amulet 
Scarf of NatchupScarf of Natchup25STR + 4 DEX + 4 INT + 4 CON + 4 5% Magic Missile 8% Nature 15% Disease
Savage's War NecklaceSavage's War Necklace1
Savage's NecklaceSavage's Necklace1
Salamander Skin AmuletSalamander Skin Amulet10LVL 104+ STR + 9 DEX + 9 INT + 9 CON + 9 8% Pierce 8% Cut
Poison Desert NecklacePoison Desert Necklace35LVL 80+ STR + 8 DEX + 8 INT + 8 CON + 8 HP + 100 5% Pierce 5% Nature 15% Poison
Perfect Burning PendantPerfect Burning Pendant25LVL 100+ STR 70+ CON 70+ STR + 18 CON + 15 HP + 25 7% Cut 7% Nature 7% Mind
Pendant of ThrownPendant of Thrown18LVL 40+ DEX 16+ DEX + 5 1% Blunt 1% Cut 5% Arrow 1% Magic Missile
Pendant of the VillainousPendant of the Villainous13LVL 36+ DEX 25+ DEX + 11 3% Pierce 3% Nature 3% Soul
Pendant of the Royal OrderPendant of the Royal Order22LVL 83+ STR + 9 DEX + 9 INT + 9 CON + 9 8% Pierce 8% Cut 8% Arrow 8% Nature
Pendant of the MinotaurPendant of the Minotaur16LVL 35+ CON 24+ CON + 8 HP + 20 2% Blunt 2% Pierce 2% Cut 2% Arrow
Pendant of the ImpPendant of the Imp18LVL 40+ DEX 25+ DEX + 8 2% Blunt 2% Pierce 2% Cut 2% Arrow
Pendant of the ArcanePendant of the Arcane16LVL 35+ INT 23+ INT + 7 HP + 20 2% Nature 2% Soul 2% Mind 2% Body
Pendant of SwordsPendant of Swords15LVL 40+ STR 16+ STR + 5 2% Blunt 2% Pierce 2% Cut 2% Arrow
Pendant of StrengthPendant of Strength16LVL 40+ STR 25+ STR + 8 HP + 25 2% Blunt 2% Pierce 2% Cut 2% Magic Missile
Pendant of Spiritual DarknessPendant of Spiritual Darkness19LVL 91+ INT 100+ INT + 16 HP + 50 6% Blunt 7% Arrow 8% Soul
Pendant of PolearmsPendant of Polearms15LVL 40+ STR 16+ STR + 5 2% Blunt 2% Pierce 4% Cut
Pendant of HammersPendant of Hammers15LVL 40+ STR 16+ STR + 5 4% Blunt 2% Pierce 2% Cut
Pendant of ForcePendant of Force20LVL 68+ STR 90+ STR + 18 HP + 40 4% Pierce 4% Nature 10% Poison
Pendant of DreamersPendant of Dreamers21LVL 71+ DEX 20+ INT 60+ DEX + 5 INT + 13 4% Cut 4% Nature 4% Body
Pendant of DaggersPendant of Daggers15LVL 40+ STR 16+ STR + 5 2% Blunt 4% Pierce 2% Cut
Pendant of CrossbowsPendant of Crossbows15LVL 40+ STR 16+ DEX + 5 1% Blunt 1% Pierce 2% Cut 4% Arrow
Pendant of BowsPendant of Bows16LVL 40+ STR 16+ DEX + 5 1% Blunt 2% Pierce 2% Cut 4% Arrow
Pendant of AxesPendant of Axes15LVL 40+ STR 16+ STR + 5 2% Blunt 2% Pierce 4% Cut
Pegi's PendantPegi's Pendant11INT + 2 CON + 2
Neptune's AmuletNeptune's Amulet25LVL 110+ INT 101+ DEX + 12 INT + 16 7% Blunt 7% Arrow 10% Soul 7% Poison 7% Disease
Necklace of WhisperdaleNecklace of Whisperdale4DEX + 1 1% Blunt 15% Body
Necklace of ValorNecklace of Valor12LVL 25+ STR 20+ STR + 6 HP + 20 1% Blunt 1% Pierce 1% Cut 1% Arrow 1% Magic Missile
Necklace of the WardenNecklace of the Warden12LVL 106+ INT 100+ CON 100+ INT + 16 CON + 5 6% Blunt 6% Cut 7% Soul
Necklace of the SpringNecklace of the Spring18LVL 90+ INT 100+ INT + 16 HP + 45 7% Pierce 10% Magic Missile 5% Nature
Necklace of the RoseNecklace of the Rose3LVL 10+ STR + 1 DEX + 1 1% Mind 1% Body
Necklace of the Pit FiendNecklace of the Pit Fiend15LVL 106+ STR 40+ DEX 40+ CON 40+ STR + 7 DEX + 7 INT + 7 CON + 7 7% Blunt 7% Cut 7% Soul
Necklace of the InvocationNecklace of the Invocation14LVL 63+ INT 80+ INT + 11 4% Cut 4% Magic Missile 4% Body
Necklace of the CursesNecklace of the Curses26LVL 78+ STR + 10 DEX + 10 INT + 10 CON + 10 6% Pierce 6% Magic Missile 6% Body
Necklace of SufferingNecklace of Suffering23LVL 60+ STR + 4 DEX + 4 INT + 4 CON + 4 5% Arrow 6% Soul
Necklace of StaminaNecklace of Stamina11LVL 25+ CON 11+ CON + 4 HP + 20 1% Blunt 1% Pierce 1% Cut 1% Arrow
Necklace of SilvestNecklace of Silvest4INT + 1 HP + 25 1% Cut 1% Body
Necklace of SandNecklace of Sand27LVL 80+ INT 30+ STR + 3 INT + 6 CON + 5 7% Pierce 7% Cut
Necklace of ProsperityNecklace of Prosperity11LVL 10+ STR + 1 DEX + 1 INT + 1 CON + 1
Necklace of MightNecklace of Might11LVL 31+ STR + 2
Necklace of Magic ConjurationNecklace of Magic Conjuration7LVL 34+ INT 25+ INT + 8 HP + 10 3% Arrow 3% Soul 3% Body
Necklace of LodaruNecklace of Lodaru21LVL 80+ STR + 8 DEX + 8 INT + 8 CON + 8 8% Blunt 8% Pierce 8% Cut 8% Arrow
Necklace of KilbariNecklace of Kilbari5CON + 5 5% Mind 10% Poison
Necklace of IntuitionNecklace of Intuition11LVL 25+ INT 16+ INT + 5 HP + 20 1% Blunt 1% Pierce 1% Cut 1% Magic Missile
Necklace of FinesseNecklace of Finesse13LVL 25+ DEX 20+ DEX + 6 HP + 20 1% Blunt 1% Pierce 1% Cut 1% Arrow 1% Magic Missile
Moon Glow NecklaceMoon Glow Necklace20LVL 90+ STR + 5 DEX + 5 INT + 5 CON + 5 6% Body 12% Poison
Minos AmuletMinos Amulet16LVL 100+ DEX + 11 INT + 11 7% Cut 9% Nature 10% Disease
Mark of MinosMark of Minos11STR + 11 DEX + 11 INT + 11 CON + 11 HP + 65 10% Blunt 10% Cut 10% Body
Lesser Pendant of RoycroftLesser Pendant of Roycroft12LVL 27+ CON 10+ CON + 6 HP + 25 3% Pierce 3% Magic Missile 3% Soul
Leech Tail WrapLeech Tail Wrap2LVL 40+ 2% Nature 2% Soul 2% Mind 2% Body 2% Poison 2% Disease
Kudo Eye AmuletKudo Eye Amulet12LVL 100+ STR + 18 INT -4 CON + 8 6% Pierce 8% Body 10% Disease
Kobold GemKobold Gem11LVL 15+ HP + 40 4% Pierce 3% Mind
Jeweled NecklaceJeweled Necklace10LVL 46+ STR + 4 DEX + 4 HP + 15
Jeweled ChokerJeweled Choker3LVL 8+ DEX + 2
Jealousy AmuletJealousy Amulet5LVL 4+
Indoel's Tooth PendantIndoel's Tooth Pendant3LVL 101+ STR + 18 DEX + 18 CON + 18
Holy AmuletHoly Amulet13LVL 60+ 2% Nature 2% Soul 2% Mind 2% Body 2% Poison 2% Disease
Hero's MedalHero's Medal29LVL 90+ STR 40+ DEX 40+ STR + 6 DEX + 6 8% Nature 15% Disease
Hero of DawatHero of Dawat14LVL 15+ STR + 4 DEX + 4 INT -2 CON + 6 HP + 25 3% Cut 5% Nature
Hateful Conjurer's PendantHateful Conjurer's Pendant12LVL 59+ INT 60+ INT + 10 3% Pierce 5% Cut 5% Magic Missile
Hapuna's TreasureHapuna's Treasure12LVL 40+ STR + 5 DEX + 5 INT + 5 CON + 5 5% Cut 5% Soul 5% Poison
Greater Dragon NecklaceGreater Dragon Necklace17LVL 107+ DEX 100+ CON 100+ STR + 10 DEX + 15 HP + 100 8% Blunt 8% Pierce 8% Cut 8% Arrow 8% Magic Missile 8% Nature
Golden ChokerGolden Choker5LVL 18+ DEX + 1 CON + 2
Gold PendantGold Pendant5LVL 35+ HP + 45
Gold NecklaceGold Necklace6LVL 59+ STR + 5 DEX + 5 HP + 35
Glowing PendantGlowing Pendant11LVL 22+ STR + 1 DEX + 1 INT + 1 CON + 1 HP + 20 3% Poison 3% Disease
Gift of SacrificeGift of Sacrifice25LVL 70+ INT 80+ INT + 12 HP + 100 7% Blunt 6% Soul
Ghost and Goblin ChokerGhost and Goblin Choker10STR + 4 DEX + 4 INT + 4 CON + 4
Gemstone of DalvonGemstone of Dalvon14STR + 5 DEX + 5 INT + 5 6% Blunt 4% Cut 5% Soul
Gem of the True BelieverGem of the True Believer12STR + 9 DEX + 9 INT + 9 CON + 9 HP + 50 10% Pierce 8% Nature
Gem of the DeepGem of the Deep5LVL 85+ STR + 6 DEX + 6 INT + 6 7% Cut 8% Soul
Gem Laden AmuletGem Laden Amulet16LVL 30+ INT + 6 4% Blunt 4% Body
Frumps AmuletFrumps Amulet4STR + 1 HP + 5
Exalted Pendant of PowerExalted Pendant of Power15LVL 95+ INT 101+ INT + 25 8% Pierce 8% Arrow 7% Mind 7% Body
Evas NecklaceEvas Necklace0CON + 8 10% Cut 7% Body
Endless Thundering PendantEndless Thundering Pendant11LVL 48+ INT 25+ INT + 5 3% Pierce 3% Cut 5% Nature
Eastwatch Holy RelicEastwatch Holy Relic106% Soul 5% Disease
Earrings of the BarbarianEarrings of the Barbarian20LVL 51+ STR 60+ CON 20+ STR + 10 CON + 10 5% Pierce 5% Cut 4% Nature
Dragon Scale NecklaceDragon Scale Necklace36LVL 106+ STR + 11 DEX + 11 15% Cut 10% Soul
Desert Giant NeckguardDesert Giant Neckguard34LVL 102+ STR + 12 DEX -1 HP + 150 12% Cut
Darkwing's GemDarkwing's Gem20LVL 108+ STR + 11 DEX + 11 INT + 11 CON + 11 10% Nature 10% Soul 10% Mind 10% Body
Dark Pearl NecklaceDark Pearl Necklace13LVL 20+ STR + 2 DEX + 2 INT + 2 CON + 2 4% Cut 2% Mind
Dark Iron CollarDark Iron Collar 
Dark Amulet of InsightDark Amulet of Insight 
Crystal Shark EyeCrystal Shark Eye14LVL 104+ INT 100+ INT + 25 7% Pierce 6% Cut 6% Nature
Crystal AmuletCrystal Amulet16LVL 101+ INT 85+ INT + 8 CON + 8
Crypt Guardian AmuletCrypt Guardian Amulet8LVL 100+ STR 60+ DEX 30+ CON 30+ STR + 12 DEX + 10 8% Nature 10% Poison 10% Disease
Copper TorcCopper Torc21LVL 50+ CON + 8 HP + 45
Choker of FocusChoker of Focus7LVL 15+ INT 10+ INT + 3 HP + 15 2% Poison 2% Disease
Charm of WardingCharm of Warding30LVL 75+ DEX 35+ CON 35+ DEX + 10 CON + 10 HP + 40 5% Blunt 5% Pierce 5% Cut 10% Poison 10% Disease
Chain CollarChain Collar4
Celestial Black PendantCelestial Black Pendant25LVL 88+ STR 75+ STR + 14 CON + 12 6% Pierce 7% Arrow 8% Soul
Captain's MedallionCaptain's Medallion12LVL 102+ STR 100+ DEX 20+ CON 20+ STR + 10 DEX + 12 CON + 10 4% Cut 5% Mind
Blue Crab NecklaceBlue Crab Necklace14STR + 5 DEX + 5 INT + 5 CON + 5 5% Blunt 4% Cut 6% Body
Bloodletter NecklaceBloodletter Necklace12LVL 109+ DEX 101+ CON 100+ DEX + 11 CON + 8 HP + 25 5% Pierce 5% Cut 5% Nature 5% Soul
Blood Soaked PendantBlood Soaked Pendant19LVL 40+ STR + 3 DEX + 3 INT + 3 CON + 3 5% Body 6% Poison
Blessed Amulet of IsosBlessed Amulet of Isos16LVL 30+ CON + 8 4% Soul 4% Poison 4% Disease
Black Opal FlameBlack Opal Flame4LVL 15+ HP + 20
Bat Ear NecklaceBat Ear Necklace1DEX + 1
Auric Choker of SinewAuric Choker of Sinew15LVL 25+ STR 20+ STR + 6 HP + 20 2% Blunt 2% Pierce 2% Cut
Auric Choker of QuicknessAuric Choker of Quickness14LVL 25+ DEX 20+ DEX + 6 HP + 20 2% Pierce 2% Cut 2% Arrow
Auric Choker of IntellectAuric Choker of Intellect13LVL 30+ INT 20+ INT + 6 HP + 20 1% Blunt 1% Pierce 1% Cut 1% Arrow 1% Magic Missile
Auric Choker of EnduranceAuric Choker of Endurance13LVL 30+ CON 18+ CON + 6 HP + 20 1% Blunt 1% Pierce 1% Cut 1% Arrow 1% Magic Missile
Aura AmuletAura Amulet10LVL 20+ INT 13+ INT + 4 HP + 10 2% Poison 2% Disease
Ancient Invoker's CharmAncient Invoker's Charm18LVL 108+ INT 101+ INT + 25 9% Pierce 9% Cut 8% Nature
Amulet of VigorAmulet of Vigor7LVL 15+ CON 6+ CON + 2 HP + 15 2% Poison 2% Disease
Amulet of the Lich PrinceAmulet of the Lich Prince1LVL 107+ INT 101+ CON 100+ DEX + 10 INT + 15 CON + 10 HP + 50 7% Pierce 7% Cut 7% Soul 7% Mind 10% Disease
Amulet of the KnightcasterAmulet of the Knightcaster1LVL 110+ STR 100+ INT 101+ STR + 20 INT + 20 HP + 100
Amulet of the Dark MageAmulet of the Dark Mage19LVL 106+ INT 101+ INT + 22 HP + 125 10% Cut 10% Mind
Amulet of the ArcherAmulet of the Archer8LVL 20+ DEX 10+ DEX + 3 2% Arrow 2% Magic Missile
Amulet of Minor SoulAmulet of Minor Soul1LVL 5+ 3% Soul
Amulet of Minor NatureAmulet of Minor Nature1LVL 5+ 3% Nature
Amulet of Minor MindAmulet of Minor Mind1LVL 5+ 3% Mind
Amulet of Minor BodyAmulet of Minor Body1LVL 5+ 3% Body
Amulet of Lesser WisdomAmulet of Lesser Wisdom6LVL 10+ INT + 1 1% Poison 1% Disease
Amulet of Lesser StrengthAmulet of Lesser Strength6LVL 10+ STR + 1 1% Poison 1% Disease
Amulet of Lesser HealthAmulet of Lesser Health6LVL 10+ CON + 1 1% Poison 1% Disease
Amulet of Lesser DexterityAmulet of Lesser Dexterity7LVL 10+ DEX + 1 1% Poison 1% Disease
Amulet of Eagle Eye OrderAmulet of Eagle Eye Order5LVL 110+ DEX 101+ DEX + 15 CON + 10 15% Blunt 10% Soul 10% Poison 10% Disease
Amulet of BrawnAmulet of Brawn7LVL 20+ STR 13+ STR + 4 HP + 15 2% Poison 2% Disease
Amulet of BalanceAmulet of Balance7LVL 20+ STR 6+ DEX 6+ STR + 2 DEX + 2 HP + 10 2% Poison 2% Disease
Amulet of Arcane ProtectionAmulet of Arcane Protection16LVL 80+ 10% Nature 10% Soul 10% Mind 10% Body
Created by Daeron Spearwood