Helmets & Hats list

Total 128 results.
NameProtectionRequirementsStats Resistances
Wyvern Plate HelmWyvern Plate Helm27LVL 88+ STR 90+ STR + 10 HP + 70 3% Cut 3% Nature 3% Soul 3% Mind 3% Body
Wyvern Leather CoifWyvern Leather Coif19LVL 45+ DEX 40+ DEX + 7 2% Cut 4% Poison 4% Disease
Wretched HelmWretched Helm34LVL 103+ STR 50+ DEX 50+ CON 40+ STR + 5 DEX + 5 INT + 5 CON + 5 3% Cut 6% Soul 5% Body 4% Disease
Woolen CapWoolen Cap3
Wizards HatWizards Hat11LVL 10+ INT 14+ INT + 1
Wizard HelmWizard Helm19LVL 25+ INT 56+ INT + 3 1% Blunt 2% Pierce 1% Cut
Wedding VeilWedding Veil1
Wedding HelmWedding Helm1
Very Scary MaskVery Scary Mask32DEX + 8 5% Mind 7% Disease
Verdant Soluri CapVerdant Soluri Cap15LVL 45+ DEX 45+ DEX + 4 CON + 4 HP + 22
Valekar's HelmValekar's Helm26LVL 65+ STR 50+ STR + 3 DEX + 3 INT -10 CON + 3 HP + 15 1% Soul 1% Body
Unholy Helm of RedwakeUnholy Helm of Redwake34LVL 106+ STR 100+ STR + 9 DEX + 9 CON + 9 5% Arrow 9% Nature 8% Body
Tyrian's Silk CapTyrian's Silk Cap35LVL 108+ DEX 100+ INT 100+ DEX + 15 INT + 10 CON + 10 5% Blunt 5% Arrow 5% Nature 5% Soul 5% Disease
Titan Hide HelmTitan Hide Helm49LVL 95+ HP + 125 7% Pierce 5% Nature 8% Mind
Thurman's HelmThurman's Helm27LVL 108+ STR 60+ DEX 40+ CON 40+ STR + 18 DEX + 11 CON + 12 10% Blunt 10% Cut 10% Body
Thrallen HelmThrallen Helm16LVL 15+ STR 15+ STR + 1 CON + 1 1% Blunt 1% Cut 1% Arrow
Terra HoodTerra Hood14LVL 10+ INT 20+ INT + 5 1% Nature 1% Disease
Swiftwind HelmSwiftwind Helm25LVL 70+ DEX 90+ DEX + 15 HP + 50 3% Blunt 3% Cut 3% Arrow
Superior Studded CapSuperior Studded Cap13LVL 15+ STR 22+
Superior Platemail HelmSuperior Platemail Helm16LVL 30+ STR 36+ 1% Nature 1% Soul 2% Mind 2% Body
Superior Padded CapSuperior Padded Cap13LVL 14+ STR 20+
Superior Leather CapSuperior Leather Cap10LVL 8+ STR 9+ 2% Pierce 2% Cut 2% Arrow
Superior Hardened HelmSuperior Hardened Helm14LVL 19+ STR 23+
Superior Gladiator HelmSuperior Gladiator Helm12LVL 10+ STR 16+
Superior Cloth CapSuperior Cloth Cap4LVL 8+ 1% Poison 1% Disease
Superior Chain CoifSuperior Chain Coif14LVL 20+ STR 25+ 2% Mind 2% Body
Studded Leather CapStudded Leather Cap7LVL 4+
Steel Studded HeadbandSteel Studded Headband14LVL 20+ STR 10+ CON 10+ DEX -2 CON + 5 HP + 10
Steel HelmSteel Helm13LVL 8+ STR 10+ 1% Cut
Steel Battle HelmSteel Battle Helm14LVL 8+ STR 12+ 1% Cut
Spore Crusted HelmetSpore Crusted Helmet31LVL 97+ STR 30+ DEX 35+ CON 70+ STR + 7 DEX + 3 CON + 4 HP + 50 5% Cut 5% Soul 7% Disease
Soothsayer's CapSoothsayer's Cap18LVL 105+ DEX 100+ INT 100+ DEX + 9 INT + 11 HP + 20 5% Blunt 4% Cut 7% Arrow 7% Body 5% Disease
Snake's HelmSnake's Helm15LVL 44+ DEX 35+ DEX + 6 HP + 25 4% Pierce 5% Cut 4% Arrow 4% Soul
SkullCap of DexteritySkullCap of Dexterity11LVL 20+ STR 15+ DEX + 5
Silk CapSilk Cap2
Shimmering Silk CapShimmering Silk Cap13LVL 50+ INT 75+ STR + 4 INT + 4 1% Arrow 2% Mind
Shadoweave HatShadoweave Hat12LVL 35+ INT 60+ INT + 3
Shadow HelmShadow Helm8LVL 8+ 2% Blunt 2% Cut
Scavenger Bone HelmScavenger Bone Helm35LVL 90+ STR + 4 DEX + 4 INT + 4 CON + 4 3% Blunt 4% Pierce 3% Cut 3% Arrow 3% Magic Missile
Savanna Hunter HelmSavanna Hunter Helm48LVL 95+ STR + 7 DEX + 7 INT + 7 CON + 7 HP + 35 7% Pierce 7% Nature 7% Poison
Salamander Skin HelmetSalamander Skin Helmet26LVL 104+ STR + 12 DEX + 10 INT + 10 CON + 12 8% Blunt 6% Nature 10% Poison
Rugged HelmRugged Helm11STR + 8
Red Helm of DisruptingRed Helm of Disrupting19LVL 94+ INT 80+ STR -2 INT + 11 HP + 35 5% Pierce 5% Arrow 5% Mind
Red Dragon Leather BascinetRed Dragon Leather Bascinet26LVL 101+ STR 30+ DEX 70+ CON 65+ STR + 4 CON + 5 HP + 50 4% Cut 4% Arrow 10% Mind
Raqlun's CoifRaqlun's Coif18LVL 45+ STR 30+ DEX 30+ STR + 5 DEX + 3 CON + 5 HP + 10 2% Blunt 3% Arrow
Pristine Helmet of FerocityPristine Helmet of Ferocity26LVL 70+ STR 65+ DEX 30+ DEX + 5 7% Soul
Priest's HelmPriest's Helm15LVL 55+ INT 50+ INT + 8 4% Pierce 4% Arrow 4% Soul
Pit Fiend HelmetPit Fiend Helmet35LVL 106+ STR 40+ DEX 40+ CON 40+ STR + 9 DEX + 9 INT + 9 CON + 9 7% Pierce 10% Magic Missile 7% Nature
Paladin of the Flame HelmetPaladin of the Flame Helmet40LVL 110+ STR 101+ STR + 15 DEX + 15 CON + 15 8% Blunt 7% Soul 8% Mind
Padded CapPadded Cap6LVL 4+
Orc Mining HelmOrc Mining Helm19LVL 50+ STR 45+ STR + 10 4% Cut
Nightfall HelmetNightfall Helmet26LVL 60+ STR 70+ CON + 10 HP + 35 2% Blunt 2% Pierce 2% Cut 2% Arrow
Neptune's HelmetNeptune's Helmet24LVL 110+ INT 101+ DEX + 8 INT + 15 HP + 75 9% Pierce 9% Cut 9% Soul 9% Mind
Moonsilk CapMoonsilk Cap20LVL 95+ INT 80+ DEX + 8 INT + 8 HP + 18 6% Pierce 6% Cut 6% Nature
Minotaur Skin HatMinotaur Skin Hat32LVL 106+ STR 100+ DEX 100+ CON 30+ STR + 19 DEX + 7 CON + 6 HP + 40 7% Cut 8% Nature 10% Soul
Minos Royal HelmMinos Royal Helm35LVL 107+ STR 100+ CON 100+ STR + 25 DEX + 10 CON + 7 HP + 45 10% Blunt 10% Body 10% Disease
Miners HelmMiners Helm10LVL 15+ STR 22+
Lotorian Battle HelmLotorian Battle Helm34LVL 75+ STR 90+ STR + 10 CON + 5 4% Cut
Leather CapLeather Cap4
Imbued Leather HelmetImbued Leather Helmet26LVL 90+ STR 100+ DEX 100+ STR + 5 DEX + 5 6% Cut 6% Nature 10% Disease
Horned One HelmetHorned One Helmet35LVL 100+ STR 80+ CON 70+ STR + 5 DEX + 5 INT + 5 CON + 5 HP + 50 5% Blunt 4% Pierce 5% Nature
Hood of RahuraHood of Rahura37LVL 86+ INT 100+ CON 20+ INT + 15 HP + 50 4% Arrow 4% Soul 10% Poison
Hood of KhafraHood of Khafra37LVL 86+ INT 100+ CON 20+ INT + 15 HP + 50 7% Pierce 7% Body
Holy Order CapHoly Order Cap24LVL 106+ STR 101+ STR + 17 DEX + 10 8% Blunt 7% Body
Holy Helm of ArdaHoly Helm of Arda34LVL 106+ STR 100+ STR + 9 DEX + 9 CON + 9 8% Pierce 8% Soul 12% Poison
Holy HelmHoly Helm20LVL 50+ STR 64+ 3% Nature 3% Soul 3% Mind 3% Body
Holiday CapHoliday Cap1
Helmet of the MyrmidonHelmet of the Myrmidon48LVL 100+ STR 100+ STR + 20 2% Cut 5% Mind
Helmet of the BloodletterHelmet of the Bloodletter30LVL 109+ DEX 101+ CON 100+ DEX + 18 CON + 10 HP + 50 5% Blunt 4% Cut 5% Nature 5% Mind 5% Body
Helm of the Orc LordHelm of the Orc Lord15LVL 40+ STR + 5 HP + 20
Helm of the Nordic WarriorHelm of the Nordic Warrior24LVL 95+ STR 40+ CON 100+ DEX + 7 CON + 5 HP + 55 4% Arrow 3% Mind
Helm of the KnightcasterHelm of the Knightcaster28LVL 110+ STR 100+ INT 101+ STR + 10 DEX + 5 INT + 20 7% Pierce 7% Cut 10% Poison 10% Disease
Helm of the Island GuardHelm of the Island Guard3
Helm of the FallenHelm of the Fallen22LVL 50+ STR 40+ DEX 40+ STR + 4 DEX + 4 4% Poison
Helm of the ChantHelm of the Chant19LVL 57+ STR + 6 DEX + 6 INT + 6 CON + 6 5% Blunt 5% Arrow 5% Mind
Helm of StrengthHelm of Strength16LVL 35+ STR 56+ STR + 20
Helm of RyonkahHelm of Ryonkah19LVL 100+ INT 100+ INT + 25 7% Cut 7% Body 10% Disease
Helm of MagmaHelm of Magma33LVL 109+ STR + 15 DEX + 15 INT + 15 CON + 15 8% Cut 7% Magic Missile 8% Mind 8% Body
Helm of Lightning SphereHelm of Lightning Sphere26LVL 107+ DEX 100+ DEX + 15 CON + 10 HP + 35 6% Arrow 6% Soul 6% Mind 6% Poison
Helm of Lesser StrengthHelm of Lesser Strength12LVL 20+ STR 30+ STR + 10
Helm of Eagle Eye OrderHelm of Eagle Eye Order35LVL 110+ DEX 101+ STR + 10 DEX + 15 CON + 10 8% Cut 8% Mind 10% Poison 10% Disease
Helm of ArtraxisHelm of Artraxis32LVL 90+ STR 90+ STR + 25 HP + 70 5% Blunt 5% Pierce 5% Cut 5% Mind
Helm of AgilityHelm of Agility16LVL 35+ STR 56+ DEX + 20
HelmHelm10STR 8+
Heavy Mail BarbuteHeavy Mail Barbute41LVL 87+ STR 100+ CON + 5 HP + 25 5% Blunt 5% Pierce 5% Cut
Hardened Warden's HelmHardened Warden's Helm17LVL 106+ INT 100+ CON 100+ INT + 14 CON + 4 6% Cut 10% Arrow 7% Nature 8% Poison
Hardened Leather HelmHardened Leather Helm8LVL 5+ STR 8+
Hard Leather CapHard Leather Cap15LVL 10+ STR + 2 DEX + 1 CON + 2
Green Dragon Leather HelmGreen Dragon Leather Helm26LVL 101+ STR 65+ DEX 70+ CON 30+ DEX + 5 CON + 4 HP + 55 4% Pierce 10% Mind 4% Poison
Greater Dragon HelmGreater Dragon Helm33LVL 107+ DEX 100+ CON 100+ STR + 20 DEX + 10 CON + 10 HP + 75 5% Pierce 10% Nature 10% Soul 10% Mind 10% Body
Golden Helm of PowerGolden Helm of Power17LVL 35+ STR 30+ STR + 6
Golden HelmGolden Helm12LVL 8+ STR 7+ 1% Pierce
Golden Battle HelmGolden Battle Helm13LVL 9+ STR 10+ 1% Pierce
Gold Dragon Leather BascinetGold Dragon Leather Bascinet26LVL 101+ DEX 70+ INT 65+ CON 30+ INT + 4 CON + 4 HP + 55 4% Blunt 10% Arrow 4% Nature
Gladiator HelmGladiator Helm8LVL 5+ STR 8+
Frost HelmFrost Helm16LVL 40+ STR 47+ 4% Nature
Floppy HatFloppy Hat2LVL 3+ STR -1 INT + 1
Flame Reaver HelmFlame Reaver Helm27LVL 106+ STR 100+ INT 100+ STR + 9 DEX + 5 INT + 18 CON + 8 8% Cut 9% Nature 6% Body 10% Disease
Fancy Steel HelmFancy Steel Helm13LVL 7+ STR 11+ 1% Cut
Fancy Gold Battle HelmFancy Gold Battle Helm15LVL 10+ STR 15+ 1% Pierce
Fancy Battle HelmFancy Battle Helm11STR 10+
Ettin Hide CapEttin Hide Cap17LVL 60+ DEX 40+ STR + 1 HP + 20 2% Blunt
Ethereal Platinum HelmEthereal Platinum Helm23LVL 80+ STR 75+ CON + 10 2% Blunt 3% Pierce
Eternium HelmEternium Helm41LVL 110+ STR 100+ STR + 18 DEX + 21 CON + 15 10% Pierce 15% Arrow 11% Soul
Enchanted Superior Leather HatEnchanted Superior Leather Hat23LVL 75+ STR 20+ DEX 70+ STR + 3 DEX + 4 4% Blunt 3% Pierce 3% Cut 3% Arrow
Enchanted Quality Leather HatEnchanted Quality Leather Hat17LVL 45+ STR 20+ DEX 40+ DEX + 3 HP + 15 3% Blunt 2% Body 5% Poison
Dunaga's CapDunaga's Cap19STR + 2 DEX + 2 INT + 2 CON + 2 HP + 30 3% Blunt 2% Arrow 3% Soul
Dragon Scale HelmDragon Scale Helm41LVL 106+ DEX 100+ CON 100+ STR + 6 DEX + 12 CON + 12 7% Cut 8% Soul 5% Disease
Dragon Guard HelmDragon Guard Helm51LVL 106+ STR 100+ DEX 25+ CON 40+ STR + 10 CON + 8 8% Pierce 5% Arrow 10% Poison
Demonic HelmDemonic Helm30LVL 85+ STR 100+ STR + 15 HP + 60 3% Blunt 3% Cut 3% Arrow 3% Soul
Dalvon Steel HelmDalvon Steel Helm19LVL 20+ STR 25+ CON 10+ STR + 12 5% Arrow 7% Disease
Crypt Guardian HelmetCrypt Guardian Helmet34LVL 100+ STR 60+ DEX 30+ CON 30+ STR + 15 DEX + 10 HP + 80 8% Pierce 8% Mind 11% Disease
Corrupted HelmCorrupted Helm20LVL 80+ INT 75+ CON 40+ INT + 10 CON + 5 4% Magic Missile 4% Nature 4% Soul 4% Mind 4% Body
Coldsteel HelmetColdsteel Helmet28LVL 75+ STR 90+ STR + 10 CON + 5 HP + 50 3% Blunt 3% Pierce 3% Cut 3% Disease
Cloth CapCloth Cap4
Chefs CapChefs Cap2
Chain CoifChain Coif8STR 8+
Bucket HelmBucket Helm4LVL 3+
Briarwood HelmBriarwood Helm32LVL 103+ STR 55+ DEX 90+ CON 55+ DEX + 15 HP + 150 6% Blunt 6% Pierce 6% Cut
Blue Helm of RevengeBlue Helm of Revenge39LVL 108+ STR 100+ CON 100+ DEX + 25 HP + 100 8% Soul 5% Body 20% Disease
Blue Dragon Leather BascinetBlue Dragon Leather Bascinet26LVL 101+ STR 70+ DEX 30+ INT 65+ DEX + 4 INT + 5 HP + 55 4% Cut 10% Arrow 4% Poison
Blood Soaked HelmBlood Soaked Helm48LVL 103+ STR 90+ CON 60+ STR + 12 CON + 10 5% Blunt 4% Pierce 5% Nature
Black HelmBlack Helm20LVL 50+ STR 64+ 3% Nature 3% Soul 3% Mind 3% Body
Beekeeper's MaskBeekeeper's Mask22LVL 30+ STR 45+ CON 30+ STR + 4 DEX + 2 CON + 4 4% Blunt 10% Magic Missile 3% Body
Battle HelmBattle Helm11STR 8+
Banished CapBanished Cap20LVL 101+ DEX 55+ INT 90+ CON 55+ DEX + 4 INT + 11 HP + 30 3% Pierce 5% Arrow 5% Poison 5% Disease
Balron Hide CapBalron Hide Cap44LVL 105+ STR 60+ DEX 100+ CON 30+ STR + 6 CON + 6 HP + 125 3% Cut 3% Nature 3% Mind 3% Body
Azure Silk HatAzure Silk Hat19LVL 60+ STR 50+ INT 50+ INT + 3 CON + 4 8% Mind
Created by Daeron Spearwood